Your Leadership Style Reveals Your Emotional Intelligence

according to Grow America, a majority of people are currently unhappy in their corporate jobs. Harris Interactive indicates a full 74% of people would consider finding a new job today, and Mercer's "What's Working" study says 32% are actively looking. The reasons for their unhappiness? A recent study by Accenture indicates the following

What do these four things have in common? They can all be tied back to poor leadership, specifically the leader's emotional intelligence - how in touch a leader is with their professional emotions and those of the people they lead.
If you're a manager, how others respond to your leadership is a reflection of your ability to lead. Sure, some employees are just bad fits. But regardless of whether or not you make the right hire, it's on you as the manager/leader to develop things for the better and recognize the emotions of the people you lead.
The unfortunate reality is that their leadership style comes from an authority in their home or past work experience - and that style was misguided.
Unfortunately, these leadership styles are not emotionally intelligent. Here are some examples:
1. The entitled leader. Some feel that taking on a leadership role means you get to do or say whatever you want to others without accountability. These leaders are very limited in their ability to foster an engaged workforce. They think others respect them because they have too.

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